Are you curious about the day to day life of a classical homeschooler? Maybe you think that classical homeschoolers are all super organized and scheduled, speak to each other in Latin over breakfast, and play several musical instruments.
Well, it turns out that the the ways of implementing a classical education at home are as varied as the families who do so. And what’s more, each family’s day to day life will look different from one season of life to the next.
Today, I’m excited to introduce you to five classically homeschooling families. Each family’s homeschool reflects their own individual style, goals, season of life, and values.
So if you aren’t a classical homeschooler and are curious about what goes on in a classical homeschool, or if you are and want to know what is going on in the homes of others who share some of your methods or ideals — this is the post for you!
Our Take on Classical Education
Angela is the mother of 3 children, aged 10, 8, and 2. She describes her homeschool as fairly Latin-centered, and is influenced by the Well Trained Mind, Charlotte Mason, and Memoria Press. She blogs about her homeschooling over at The Hungry Schooler.
A Charlotte Mason Day in the Life
Nelleke is a Charlotte Mason homeschooler using Ambleside Online. She has four boys, aged 7, 5, 3 and 1. Her style would look rigorous to some and relaxed to others. She has routines in place that incorporate memory work, poetry, artist study, picture study, and nature study as well as their regular lessons involving math and copywork, reading and narration of literature, history, and natural history. With four little boys, things are often disrupted and broken up, but they do usually manage to accomplish a set amount each day. She blogs at Education is a Life.
A Day in the Life of our Homeschool
Tamara, mother of three, is in her fourth year of homeschooling. Her family uses the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschool, with an emphasis on great literature, nature study and handicrafts. Tamara’s own interests include blogging at Unhurried Home, starting new knitting projects, and lying on the couch in a daze, wondering how the house could be so messy when all she’s done is clean for the past 27 hours. It’s good to have hobbies, right?
A Day in the Life – What Classical Homeschooling Looks Like in our Home
Joelle is a Christian homeschooling mom of two boys (ages 10 and 12). She has always homeschooled and gears toward a classical model of education. Her core curriculum is Tapestry of Grace, but she also uses material from Classical Academic press. She loves to call their style ‘Relaxed Classical’, where the relaxed refers to their day to day way of homeschooling, and the classical to the content of their homeschool. You can find her at her blog, Homeschooling for His Glory as well as on Facebook and Pinterest.
A Day in the Life of a Classical Homeschooler
Carol and her family live in Sydney, Australia, and have seven children who have been home schooled from the beginning. Five have graduated and the youngest two are still being taught at home. Their desire to give each of their children a liberal education has led them to pursue a Classical Charlotte Mason approach in a home educational setting. She shares about her homeschooling life on her blog, journey-and-destination.

same method, implemented different ways. Good to read. 🙂
Thanks Annette!
Fun to see all the different ways!
It really is 🙂
Will definitely take a look at these, as a homeschool mom I love hearing about great sites x
It’s so much fun to take a peek into the lives of other homeschoolers – I just love the diversity 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
We’re back from our holiday so just about to catch up on the posts. Thanks for organising this, Alison. It’s a good exercise to keep track of a day from time to time to see how the time is spent in reality & not just in my head.
You’re welcome! It’s funny how sometimes the day is better in my head than in reality, and sometimes it has been better in reality that it seemed to me at the time! Thanks for participating Carol.