by Learning Mama | Nov 18, 2015 | Homeschooling
Do you struggle with getting around to doing science experiments and projects with your kids? I sure do. My biggest struggle has been with planning — you might be surprised at how many “common, household materials” are not common in my home! In the...
by Learning Mama | Apr 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
Our relaxed, year round schedule of home education lends itself well to ensuring that there is much fun being had at our house! That’s one of the reasons I favour year round schooling – it allows us to have a lighter load and also to “drop...
by Learning Mama | Mar 12, 2015 | Uncategorized
I’ve seen a lot online about February Blahs and Homeschooling Burnout, but I have to say, that February was a great month for us! Like most of us, I did grow tired of the snow, cold and short days; but the homeschooling itself has been the smoothest it has ever...
by Learning Mama | Jan 10, 2015 | Uncategorized
I love our boring ordinary life! We took two full weeks off for the holidays this year and I’m glad to say that our first week back to the “same old, same old” has gone well. Baby Girl took decent naps, we got a lot of our table work completed and...