Are you looking for one stop shopping for a variety of homeschooling curricula at an affordable price, for your each of your children from K-12? You’re going to want to check out a Yearly Membership to
So, what is Well, simply put, it is a comprehensive, complete, online, educational resource for your whole family. There are downloadable, printable, online, video, and audio resources available to suit various needs and homeschooling styles. has so much to offer! is a website with a plethora of online learning options and resources for your homeschool! Membership can be purchased on a monthly or annual basis and gives you access to courses for your students of all ages (and even some for parents too!) in many subject areas. I’ve only had my membership for a few weeks and certainly have not exhausted my search through their materials, but I have found resources for every major subject area as well as “electives” such as foreign language learning, home economics, and photography.
The site is organized so that you can search by subject or grade level, and there is also a comprehensive site directory listing all their courses along with brief content outlines.
Besides courses, SchoolhouseTeachers also has other resources available that will be helpful to many homeschooling families — they have several homeschool planners available (both for the teacher and student), encouraging articles and mp3s covering varied homeschool/family-related topics, an online record keeping system, and even a year’s worth of menu planning!
Video streaming on demand
SchoolhouseTeachers also provides access to members to RightNow Media, which is the first resource that we used. This is a great resource! Over 10 000 videos available to stream on demand! There are options for all ages, preschool through adult. There are SchoolhouseTeachers video courses as well as many popular Bible study courses from Francis Chan, David Platt, Tim Kimmel, David Ramsey and others. My children were especially excited to learn that Veggie Tales, Adventures in Odyssey, What’s in the Bible?, and Paws & Tales are included in the video library! The first video we streamed was Phil Vischer’s 12 Questions of Christmas. My girls really like his What’s in the Bible series so this was great for them! There is also a convenient queue so that you can save your selections for another day. My queue is all lined up for the new year – I’ve selected several missionary biographies both for my children to watch, and some for just myself. in our homeschool
While we are fairly set and happy with our curriculum choices for the rest of the year, there are two areas that I haven’t quite managed to work into my satisfaction: French and Art. I decided I would check and see if would be able to help me fill these gaps — and it looks like they just may be able to help me out!
The French lessons offered are written by Greg Shone, the author of French Essentials. There are over 2 years worth of lessons available as downloadable pdf worksheets as well as audio for pronunciation. I downloaded the lessons a few weeks before Christmas, and we have already gotten started. To utilize the audio component of the lessons, you need to have Adobe Reader installed — which we do not (my husband is really picky about what he will have installed on his machines) but since I am actually fairly fluent in French myself we don’t need the audio. I just printed out the lessons (for me) and the workbook (for my 8-year-old). I’m also pretty happy to be teaching it to my girls myself instead of having them sit at the computer.
So far, most of the lessons have been a good review for my oldest (who took some lessons with our local co-op last year) and have complemented well what they are learning with our newly started French classes that we are doing with some friends. I’m hoping the daily lessons at home will help them become more proficient and the weekly lesson with an actual teacher and class will provide the opportunity for oral practice.
For Art, SchoolhouseTeachers offers a class called Elementary Art. Elementary Art’s first unit is focused on 12 Great Artists and includes weekly lessons featuring various famous artists with biographical information, reading lists, and projects. I’m looking forward to trying them out once we get Christmas all cleaned up and are settled back into our daily routine!
Something for everyone!
I’ve only had about a month so far to explore what is available with, and I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface of what they have to offer, but it has been enough to keep me pretty busy so far! I’m looking forward to seeing how our membership and access to these resources will complement our homeschool in 2016! Whether you are looking for a complete curriculum covering all subject areas, a supplement to use alongside your current curriculum, or something to fill in the gaps, there is something for everyone at SchoolhouseTeachers!
If sounds like something you may be interested in, hop on over to their website and check out what they have to offer – I’m pleased to offer my readers a 50% discount on a one-year subscription with the coupon code: CREWFOLLOWER. Valid through 1/31/2016.