Going Digital with Math-U-See {Demme Digital Packs Review}
I was super excited to have the opportunity to review a Math-U-See product -- I have been using Math-U-See from the beginning in our homeschool and am now into the Gamma level with my 8 year old while her little sister (5) is working in Primer. It is a solid, easy to...

How We Homeschool: Memorization
There seems to be a lot of kick back against memorization in education these days, even amongst homeschoolers. Learning math facts and memorizing parts of speech, for example, have gotten a bad rap in favour of "critical thinking" and a "love of learning". You may...

Stick Figuring Your Way Through The Bible! {Grapevine Bible Studies Review}
Because I view homeschooling primarily through the lens of discipleship, I place a high value on incorporating our faith and God's word into our homeschool days. I am always keeping my eyes and ears open for great resources to use with my kids, and with Bible study...

Homeschool Art Without a Curriculum
Many homeschoolers feel under qualified in the art department. And with so many other subject areas and resources to buy, not many have the funds available to pour into a pre-packaged curriculum or private art classes for their children. So what is the average,...

A Day in the Life of a Classical Homeschooler: A Peek Into The Day of Five Families
Are you curious about the day to day life of a classical homeschooler? Maybe you think that classical homeschoolers are all super organized and scheduled, speak to each other in Latin over breakfast, and play several musical instruments. Well, it turns out that the...

A Day in The Life of This Learning Mama
If you are looking for the summary of a perfectly ordered homeschool day, this is not going to be the one. I was thinking maybe I should just scratch this one out, and try again tomorrow but I decided not to -- because this is life, mine anyway, for better or for...

How to Use the Library Without Paying a Fortune in Fines
I will quite likely never forget the day my girls and I were having our usual library visit when I overheard a mother tell her child, "No honey, you can only check out two books -- we need to leave some here for the other kids". I then proceeded to hide behind the...

Poetry Memorization with First Language Lessons Level 3 {FREE PRINTABLE}
This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for details. It's certainly no secret that I love Peace Hill Press and their products! We have been using their phonics primer since Big Sister was in Kindergarten, and their grammar, writing, and...

SchoolhouseTeachers.com {Review}
Are you looking for one stop shopping for a variety of homeschooling curricula at an affordable price, for your each of your children from K-12? You're going to want to check out a Yearly Membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com. So, what is SchoolhouseTeachers.com?...

How We Homeschool: Homeschooling With a Toddler Underfoot
Please be advised that this post does not offer a solution to the seeming impossibility of getting through a day of homeschooling older children with a toddler underfoot without frustration, tears, or an disastrously messy house. I've read all those posts, and...