Printable Reading Log

Printable Reading Log

With my second little learner just beginning to reach the incredibly exciting reading milestone, I've been trying to help build her pride and confidence as she acquires what is to her an extremely difficult skill. My first reader needed minimal encouragement in this...

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Our Relaxed Classical Curriculum – 2016/2017 Picks!

Our Relaxed Classical Curriculum – 2016/2017 Picks!

Well, it's that time of year again, and after reviewing our learning goals and materials from the past year, I think I've finally got the next one figured out!  Maybe. It's been a busy year with my 5 year old joining us for some of our formal learning for her...

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Why I Shouldn’t Homeschool My Kids

Why I Shouldn’t Homeschool My Kids

"Oh, I could never homeschool my kids!" You've heard it, and so have I.  It's often one of the first things said to you when you make a new friend at church or at the neighbourhood park. Sometimes you hear it from an old friend (perhaps they think you are judging...

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My 2016 Reading Plan – Spring Update!

My 2016 Reading Plan – Spring Update!

Educating myself while I educate my children has become increasingly important to me. Finding the time to do so however, while also being a busy (and distracted!) wife and home educating mother is really difficult -- but I've committed to taking baby steps. My goal is...

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How We Homeschool: Morning Time

How We Homeschool: Morning Time

There seems to be a lot of buzz among homeschoolers lately about Morning Time. Or Circle Time, Morning Basket, Power Hour, and Symposium as I have also heard it called. It's a great way to start your homeschool day, although some homeschoolers have this same practice...

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Homeschool Copywork {Review}

Homeschool Copywork {Review}

The timing for this review was just providential for me! My oldest has recently transitioned to writing in cursive but has finished up her handwriting workbook for the year -- but she still needs a lot more practice to become proficient. Not wanting to make my own, I...

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Multiplication Made Easy {Times Tales Review}

Multiplication Made Easy {Times Tales Review}

My kids love memorization. They have memorized poetry, scripture, even boring grammar lists, happily and without complaint. But math facts? They are a huge struggle. I often wondered if this discrepancy in ability to memorize was due to the subject matter - words...

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The Importance of Reading Aloud

The Importance of Reading Aloud

As a parent, I have many pleasant memories of reading aloud to my children, whether they are of cuddling up with one of my toddlers and a favourite board book, or reading through a great children's classic for the first time with an older elementary child. And...

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Story of the World Volume 3 Notebooking Pages

Story of the World Volume 3 Notebooking Pages

Do you use Story of the World in your homeschool? We are now in our third year of using Story of the World, and we LOVE it! It is so well written, engaging, and has been a great education for both my children and myself! Our history lessons have always included...

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