How to Use Story of the World With Multiple Ages
When I started using Story of the World with my oldest back when she was a first grader, putting together a history lesson was pretty simple. Read a chapter, narrate, and draw a picture. We enjoyed as many of the supplemental history & literature read alouds as I...

Learning Mama’s Day in the Life of a Homeschooler — 2019 Edition
A day in the life of a homeschooler (with a 4-, 8-, and 11-year old) I know most of you will think I'm crazy when I say this, but I've come to love Mondays. Yup, that's right. I LOVE Mondays. That's because, on Mondays, I'm most thankful that we are a...

The Most Comprehensive & Effective Typing Course For Homeschoolers
If you're looking for a fun & comprehensive typing course for your homeschool that works, be sure to check out Typesy. “F (space), f( space), f f f (space). J (space), j (space), j j j (space)” rings Mr. Collins’, monotone voice. I can't remember anything quite...

Favourite Read Alouds of 2018
Inside: Our top 5 Favourite books that we read aloud in 2018. 2019 was a great year for reading with my kids. We enjoyed so many books together! We travelled around the world, to different times in history, and even to different worlds. We cheered for our favourite...

100 Books You Should Read Aloud with Your Children
The top 100 must-read books for parents to read aloud to their kids. I can still remember the very first time I read aloud to one of my children. My very first baby was only a couple of months old, and it was clear that both she and I were getting more than a bit...

Tips for Using Math-U-See in Your Homeschool
It's pretty rare to find a homeschool mom who waxes poetic on how much she loves teaching math. If you're like me, maybe you've felt anxious about teaching a subject that you hated as a child, or are afraid you just aren't competent to do it. Over the years I've...

Our Relaxed Classical Homeschool Curriculum – 2018/2019 Picks!
In case any of you were wondering why I didn't post my 2018-2019 curriculum line-up last spring like I usually do, it's because until recently I had no idea what we would be doing this year! Well, not really. But I have had a dandy of a time making curriculum choices...

The Best Math Supplement for Your Homeschool
Teaching math hasn't always been a struggle in our homeschool but meeting my children's individual needs, knowing how to give them extra help, and squeezing it all in has become more and more of a challenge over the years. While I do love our math curriculum, I have...

Modern History Movies for Family Movie Night
Whether it's parents & children cuddled up with a book at bedtime, a story from grandma about her growing up years, or a well-made movie or stage production, stories are powerful. And sharing stories with children is an excellent way to help them understand,...

Story of the World Volume 4 Video Playlist
Are you looking for videos to supplement your Story of the World Volume 4 lessons? You could spend a lot of time searching YouTube for appropriate and engaging video clips for your kids OR you could check out this handy playlist of Story of the World Volume 4 Videos...